Możliwości występowania złóż ropy naftowej w mioceńskich utworach zapadliska przedkarpackiego


  • Bolesław Cisek
  • Józef Czernicki


POSSIBILITY OF OCCURRENCE OF OIL POOLS MIOCENE DEPOSITS OF THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP Summary Both oil manifestations and heavy hydrocarbon shows found to occur in natural gas within the Carpathian foredeep in the Miocene deposits are basis to draw conclusions as to a possibility of discovering some oil pools of commercial value. The eastern part of the Carpathian Foreland, where Miocene deposits are 2600-3000 m in thickness, has been referred to the most promising regions. An analogical occurrence of oil deposits in the Neogene formations of Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union has been emphasized, as well.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia