Warunki geologiczno-inżynierskie osuwiska w Sadowiu


  • Aleksander Kłębek
  • Ryszard Kociszewski


GEOLOGIC-ENGINEERING CONDITIONS OF A LANDSLIDE AT SADOWIE Summary Human interference into the natural environment conditions, without any preliminary reconnaissance, as a rule is responsible for all severe disturbances resulting in disagreable consequences. This problem has been exemplified by the present author by a land-slide at Sadowie, where during the railway construction without any adequate recognition of soil-water conditions, a cross-cut has been made through a hill, at a distance of about 600 m. This cross-cut, maximum 18,0 m in depth, transsected a water-permeable loess layer entered a clay series of Tertiary age. After the railway had been put into service, movements of earth masses were observed to occur within the escarpments of the cross-cut. To a greater or lesser degree these movements are active also at present. Based on their examinations the authors of this article explain the reasons of the movements considered.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia