Wpływ aktywności tektonicznej strefy krawędziowej Wyżyny Lubelskiej na zróżnicowanie facjalne i rozprzestrzenienie morskich osadów mioceńskich


  • Janusz Muchowski


INFLUENCE OF TECTONICS OF THE MARGINAL ZONE IN THE LUBLIN UPLAND UPON FACIAL AND SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS Summary The article deals with some palaeogeographical problems of the Miocene from the south-western part of the Lublin Upland in the light of the tectonic structure of its marginal ozone. It has been ascertained that in addition to the known influence of the dislocations of marginal edges, the extent of the Tortonian and Sarmatian formations was affected also by one of the old flexure dislocations known to occur in the Cretaceous basement (the so-called marginal flexures described by W. Pożaryski - 9, 10). Thus, it is possible that at the Miocene time some older dislocation zones were rejuvenated. There are also reasons for an assumption that these were partly used by the Sarmatian and post-Sarmatian uplifting movements distinguished by a heterogeneous and block-like nature.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia