Strefy faunistyczne westfalu A i B w Lubelskim Zagłębiu Węglowym


  • Maria Tabor
  • Łucja Musiał


FAUNISTIC ZONES IN WESTPHALIAN A AND B OF THE LUBLIN COAL BASIN Summary Fauna from 19 bore holes made in the Lublin Coal Basin (Fig. 1), worked out by the present authors, allowed the deposits of Westphalian A and B to be distinguished within the Carboniferous formations examined. These deposits reveal some correlative horizons, bearing both freshwater and marine fauna representatives (Table I). Characteristic assemblages of freshwater pelecypods were a basis to distinguish the following faunistic zones: Lenisulcata zone - Lower Westphalian A. Within this zone two main horizons occur - a marine horizon at the bottom of the Westphalian A deposits and an overlying -freshwater. horizon with Carbonicola exporrecta; Communis zone - middle part of the Westphalian A. The zone is characterized by the occurrence of three horizons with freshwater fauna and by a marine horizon. The lowermost freshwater horizon has been called by the presenlt authors the Carbonicola pseudorobusta horizon; Mediolaris zone - the uppermost Westphalian A and B. In this zone a boundary marine horizon with Dunbarlla papyracea occurs, distinguished also as the uppermost horizon of the Westphalian A. Just below this horizon and above it are found horizons with freshwater fauna. The species assemblage of the freshwater pelecypods found to overlie the horizon with Dunbarella papyracea is characteristic of the Westphalian B (Table II).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia