Stan rozpoznania wgłębnej budowy geologicznej obszaru lubelskiego


  • Antoni Marian Żelichowski


RECONNAISSANCE DEGREE OF DEEP GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN THE LUBLIN REGION Summary The Lublin Region, an area of the XLIInd Meeting of the Polish Geological Society, was in the last decade an object of intense geological research that led to the discovery of a new Carboniferous Coal Basin, situated east of Lublin, and to the reconnaissance of geological structure in this area. In its north-eastern part, the region covers the pre-Cambrian platform. and in the south-western portion - a flysch folding zone of the Caledonian Lublinids. The boundary of the pre-Cambrian platform runs along a line Grójec - Kazimierz - Zamość. At the marginal part of the platform, the Mazowsze - Lublin Graben occurs, filled in with Carboniferous deposits produced during the Asturian phase (Fig. 1). The structural picture of this area was affected mainly during Bretanian phases. At that time, a lot of deeps and uplifts were produced, limited with several faults of a NE-SW direction, perpendicular to the margin of the pre-Cambrian platform. These reach the old-Palaeozoic platform area characterized by volcanic processes with diabase and tuffite effusions in the vicinity of Lublin. In the area of the uplifted pre-Cambrian platform of Gothian consolidation, the sedimentary cover is up to 5000 metres in thickness. It is built of the Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits. In the Mazowsze - Lublin graben, the basement occurs at a depth of about 6 000-9 000 metres. The section has been examined from the Lower Devonian upwards. The Palaeozoic platform - an area of the Radom - Kraśnik uplift - was consolidated during the Erian phase of the Caledonian orogeny.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia