Przygotowanie bazy kopalin budowlanych dla potrzeb zagospodarowania Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Jan Kostecki


CONSTRUCTIONAL MINERAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUBLIN COAL BASIN Summary Development of the geological reconnaissance of huge hard coal reserves and rich resources of carbonate mineral raw materials for cement production in the Lublin Region is - in the light of the increasing demand for cement in Poland and in the world – the main task to be solved in the next two or three years to cover the requirements for various binding mineral raw materials. This is also a fundamental condition for the development of the Lublin Region and the adjacent areas, especially the Warsaw and the Bialystok voivodeships, and the neigbouring districts of the Kielce and Rzeszów voivodeships. To conduct reasonable economy of the hard coal measures found to occur in the Lublin Region it is necessary to build new plants and various industrial objects, as well as to construct new settlements and roads. The development of the Vistula River and of her tributaries must be finished as soon as possible. Thus, after making an analysis of the constructional mineral raw material resources of the Lublin Region, a considerable stress should be laid on the reasonable use of these mineral raw materials, which are abundant and occur under favourable exploitation conditions. Here belong: marls, chalk and limestones - for production of mineral binding materials; sands - used in production of building elements and cellular concrete; loesses and loess-like materials - for brick production, particularly in the regions of Kraśnik, Tomaszów Lubelski, Zamość and Krasnystaw. Deficiency is observed, however, as concerns gravels and building stones.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia