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  • Andrzej Drągowski


ESTIMATION OF SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PHYSICAL WEATHERING OF THE LOWER MAASTRICHTIAN ROCKS IN THE MID-COURSE OF THE VISTULA RIVER Summary The paper presents an attempt at giving quantitative estimation of susceptibility to physical weathering of the Lower Maastrichtian rocks from the area of the mid-course of the Vistula River. The results demonstrate that swelling and shrinkage, as well as frosting and defrosting are the main factors of physical weathering here. Changes in mechanical properties, determined in Deval's drum for samples in natural state and for those affected by additional weathering, have been accepted as a criterion to estimate rocks susceptible to physical weathering. The intensity of the influence of the main factors of physical weathering on rocks is called by the present author the factor of susceptibility to physical weathering. The examinations have also demonstrated that about 60 per cent, of the rocks in study reveal greater susceptibility to swelling and shrinkage than to frosting and defrosting.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia