Zasady interpretacji budowy geologicznej aluwiów dolin "dojrzałych swobodnych" na podstawie odcinka Wisły środkowej


  • Edmund Falkowski


PRINCIPLES IN INTERPRETATION OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF ALLUVIA IN "FREE, MATURE VALLEYS", WITHIN THE AREA OF THE MID-COURSE OF THE VISTULA RIVER Summary According to the dynamics of river bed processes, whose intensity depends upon climatic changes and indirectly upon human activity in the drainage area, a change may be observed in the lithological development of alluvia and in the relief of river terraces. There exists here a regularity showing that the deforestation of a drainage area is responsible for a wild development of a river bed, and that a close forest cover causes meandering processes. The well expressed lithological features and relief of terraces related to a definite development of a river bed (definite dynamics of river bed processes) allow us to determine the character of sedimentation and the appropriate interpretative scheme of the geological structure of the alluvia. Thus, a determination to what river type may be related the sedimentation of the alluvia in a given valley system, and of what rock types is built the area considered, will be a general task here.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia