Zsylifikowana fauna górnojurajska z trzeciorzędowych kontynentalnych rumoszów oraz gruzów krzemieni i zsylifikowanych wapieni okolic Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego
SILIFICATED UPPER JURASSIC FAUNA FROM THE TERTIARY WASTE AND GRUSS MATERIAL OF FLINTS AND SILIFICATED LIMESTONES IN THE VICINITY OF OSTROWIEC ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKI Summary The article describes an interesting site of silicified Upper Jurassic fauna found to occur in the Tertiary waste and gruss material of flints and silicified limestones in the vicinity of Ostrowiec Swiętokrzyski (north-eastern margin of the Swiętokrzyskie Mountains). A list of silicified fauna and flora is attached and their preservation state is emphasized. Both mineral composition and structure of the silicified material, as well as the silification process are discussed in brief. Moreover, the origin and age of the silicified weathered -mantle, the source of silica (dissolution of siliceous biogenic elements of sponge limestones of Lower and Middle Oxfordian age, lateral transportation in surface and ground waters, and transformation of primary clay minerals of weathered mantles), and the conditions in transportation and in deposition of these formations are elucidated, as well.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia