Próba charakterystyki ośrodka gradientowego wiązanego ze skonsolidowanym podłożem niektórych obszarów południowej Polski


  • Jan Skorupa


AN ATTEMPT AT CHARACTERIZING THE GRADIENT MEDIUM RELATED TO CONSOLIDATED BASEMENT OF SOME AREAS IN SOUTH POLAND Summary Contrary to the old crystalline basement of the East-European platform, the consolidation degree of the Eocambrian basement (eastern part of the Carpathian Foreland) and of the Variscan basement (Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Opole Trough, Upper Silesian Basin, and North-Sudetic Trough) is much lower. In the case of the old Pre-Cambrian basement we find, in the refraction works, a wave that may practically be thought to represent a frontal wave gliding in the top portion, whereas in the case of the Eocambrian (Assintian) and Variscan basements a distinct occurrence of rather deeply reaching refracted waves may be observed. The parameters of these waves depend upon the consolidation degree of the basement. On the basis of the works so far performed in the southern area of Poland, where some refracted waves for the basement have been detected, the present author gives their parameters, and compares them with the boundary velocities for the top of the basement. The above data presented graphically demonstrate that here some dependences exist, and that we may precisely draw the "calibration curves", which characterize the consolidation degree of a given type of the basement. The author suggests that the retracted waves may be used also in the examination of the local consolidation degree of the basement. This has also some practical aspects, e.g. in oil prospections. Moreover, the author discusses the effectiveness of various ways in presenting the results obtained, in relation to the examination of the consolidation degree of the basement.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia