Budowa geologiczna i znaczenie gospodarcze dolnośląskich złóż magnezytów oraz perspektywy ich poszukiwań


  • Zenon Gajewski


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF LOWER SILESIAN MAGNESITE DEPOSITS AND POSSIBILITIES OF THEIR PROSPECTIONS Summary The purpose of this article is to throw light on the general outlines of the problem concerning the Lower Silesian magnesite deposits related to serpentinite massifs. The results obtained during the 15-year period of research works conducted on this problem allowed the author to present the general geological occurrence conditions of magnesites, and the character of the zones mineralized with magnesite. Moreover the data on the present-day mineral raw material basis are given, as well as the degree of its use, the economical importance, and the prospects are discussed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia