Zastosowanie metody elektrooporowej w badaniach strefy Radlin – Iwaniska


  • Maria Tarnowska
  • Stanisław Duda
  • Janusz Wiński


APPLICATION OF RESISTIVITY PROSPECTING METHOD IN THE REGION RADLIN – IWANISKA Summary The article deals with the resistivity prospecting method applied in various geological problems concerning the Palaeozoic formations found to occur in the middle part of the Swiętokrzyskie Mountains. The works present the results of the surface resistivity prospecting made in the zone Radlin – Iwaniska in a period from 1965 to 1968, and their geological interpretation. The authors describe the resistivity prospecting conducted in the marginal zone of the Dymin - Klimontów anticlinorium and in the Kielce - Łagów synclinorium. The prospecting has been made within a belt about 60 km in width, between Radlin and Iwaniska (Fig. 1). The area in study is built of lithologically differentiated Cambrian, Lower Devonian (Emsian), Middle Devonian, Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous formations, overlain with a Quaternary cover from 0 to 30 m in thickness. The knowledge of detailed cartographical picture is necessary to explain here numerous geological questions of the zone (e.g. position of lamprophyre dikes, contents of ore at the contact between the Emsian and Eifelian formations, a.o.). Since, due to thick Quaternary overburden, the existing geologic map is characterized by a lower exactness and is highly simplified, a complex resistivity method has been applied here, along with geological works and drillings, to make the uncovered geologic map more precise. Due to the existing geological conditions (heavy dips), mainly resistivity logging method has been employed, completed with a shallow PSE logging. Determination of several resistivity zones is here an effect of the prospecting considered. These zones have been correlated with the individual lithologic-stratigraphical members. The resistivity of the individual zones is presented in the attached table. A correlation of the results of the resistivity prospecting with geology may be seen on Figs. 2-6, where a comparison is shown of some geological cross sections, prepared on the basis of exposures and drillings, with the resistivity profiles made at these sites. The method here considered allowed the present authors to determine rather precisely the following boundaries: Cambrian - Lower Devonian, Lower Devonian - Middle Devonian, Frasnian ~ Famennian, and Famennian - Lower Carboniferous. The results of the resistivity prospecting have partly been used for the location of some drill holes shown on the geological cross sections. It has been also demonstrated that this method may be highly instrumental in determining the boundaries of the deposits of some rocky raw materials like quartzites, limestones, and kaolin clays.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia