Ilościowe i jakościowe oznaczanie węglowodorów n-parafinowych w śladowych bituminach


  • Barbara Gondek


QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DETERMINATIONS OF N-PARAFFIN HYDROCARBONS IN TRACE BITUMENS Summary Since both quantitative and qualitative determinations of n-paraffin hydrocarbons are highly valuable in geochemical interpretation, a method of separating n-paraffins by adduction with urea has been adopted in analysis of trace bitumens. Both quantitative and qualitative determinations of bitumen composition have been made using gas chromatograph. The results of the analysis of n-paraffin hydrocarbons found in bitumens have already been used in the Geological Institute to determine perspectives of crude oil contents In the geological strata of Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia