Zależność między przebiegiem głębokich stref tektonicznych a rozmieszczeniem złóż endogenicznych w Sudetach


  • Jerzy Kanasiewicz
  • Hubert Sylwestrzak


RELATIONS BETWEEN THE COURSE OF DEEP TECTONIC ZONES AND DISTRIBUTION OF ENDOGENOUS DEPOSITS IN SUDETES Summary There are some regularities in distribution of endogenous deposits according to the course of deep tectonic zones. In the western areas of the USA almost all endogenous deposits are grouped along the zones, which reflect deep fractures of the earth crust and have many times been rejuvenated. Similar relationships have also been ascertained to occur in Africa and within the Bohemian Massif area. Three tectonic zones have been determined in Sudetes. The zones are a continuation of the tectonic zones distinguished in the Bohemian Massif area. It has also been ascertained that within these zones, which are 10-15 km in width and cover about 1/5 of the Sudetic area, more than a half of the endogenous deposits occur.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia