Teoretyczne konsekwencje badania politropizmu rud cynkowo-ołowiowych oraz siarki


  • Adam Trembecki


THEORETICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE RESEARCH ON POLYTROPISM OF LEAD-ZINC ORES AND SULPHUR Summary The sulphur and zinc-lead deposits served as an example for a statistical analysis of the polytropic deposits. The present paper consists of two parts: the descriptive one and the discussion, presenting the methods of collecting data as well as their interpretation. The proved polytropic character of the suphur and zinc-lead deposits reveals various trends in concentration of the ore minerals and it leads to two different interpretations - one assuming the coeval, the other the non-coeval character. Special caution is recommended concerning the origin of the deposits in question, because• of their polytropism.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia