Wpływ rozpoznania hydrogeologicznego na rozwiązanie techniczne podszybi w górnictwie


  • Kazimierz Głowacz


INFLUENCE OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE UPON TECHNICAL SOLUTION OF SHAFT BOTTOMS IN MINING INDUSTRY Summary The paper deals with the hydrogeological conditions, the mining work methods allowing to water inrush into the mine workings, and their influence upon water investigation and technical solutions in construction of a shaft bottom, in relation to the Lubin-Głogów Copper Mine District. Highly difficult hydrogeological conditions of this area are intensely studied. Down to a depth of about 300-400 meters are found strongly water-bearing clay-sandgravel formations of Quaternary and Tertiary ages. These water-baring beds required, during drilling works, particular care and long-lasting cementation process.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia