Odpowiedź na artykuły polemiczne w sprawie problemów geologicznych kopalni Trzebionka


  • Irena Smolarska


REPLY TO THE POLEMIC PAPERS ON THE GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE TRZEBIONKA MINE Summary In, their polemic papers (“Rudy i Metale Nieżelazne” no 4, 1969) T. Gałkiewicz. Cz. Harańczyk, and L. Szostek critically discuss the hypothesis expressed by the present authoress on the origin of the zinc and lead deposit of the Trzebionka mine situated in the eastern part of the Silesia-Cracow ore basin. The authoress however maintains her hypothesis. She also draws attention to a number of incorrect expressions appearing in the papers of the authors mentioned above. Their opinion, according to which the, deposits of the area in question are of hydrothermal character is based mainly on the relationship between the deposits and the alpine tectonics and the genetic relationship among the mineralizations found in the beds of Devonian to Jurassic age. According to the authoress these two points are not supported by facts, since the alpine faults are clearly post-ore deformations. Also no evidence exists which would point to a genetical relationship between the occurrences of ore minerals in the Jurassic and the Triassic deposits. Consequently the arguments mentioned above are rather of low value.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia