Stratygrafia warstw grodzieckich rejonu Jaworzna w świetle badań makrofaunistycznych


  • Ryszard Szymoniak


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE GRODZIEC BEDS OF THE JAWORZNO REGION IN THE LIGHT OF MACROFAUNIC EXAMINATIONS Summary The stratigraphy of the Grodziec beds (Namurian A) of the Jaworzno region (Upper Silesia) is discussed on the basis of macrofossils obtained from bore-holes. The characteristics of the marine horizons of the Grodziec beds resulted from quantitative and qualitative studies on the species found in the marine fossiliferous intercalations. The individual features of various marine horizons enabled to identify three stable horizons which helped to correlate the beds in the bore-holes of the area discussed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia