O związkach między własnościami zbiornikowymi i uszczelniającymi skał a ich parametrami geofizycznymi


  • Janusz Frydecki


ON RELATIONS BETWEEN RESERVOIR AND SCREENING PROPERTIES AND THEIR GEOPHYSICAL PARAMETERS Summary By means of logging methods there are recorded changes of various physical parameters, the magnitude of which results e.g. from the reservoir properties of the rocks penetrated, particularly from porosity Φ, water saturation Sw, mineralization of this water Cw (i.e. its resistivity Rw), and clay content of rocks Ci. The article synthetically present relations between reservoir properties of rocks and physical parameters obtained by means of the fundamental radiometry and electrometry methods. Based on the most frequently occurring values of coefficients included in general equations, a nomogram has been constructed which serves to interpret various parameters of reservoir rocks (also clayey rocks) according to the following relations: 1) Φ = f(dIng, dIg) 2) Φ = f(F, m) 3) Sw = f(dIng, dIg, F, R. Rw, m, n) 4) m = f(F, dIng, dIg). Of particular interest is here the case 4, which points to the possibility of determining •the compactness coefficient m on the basis of radiometry and electrometry data, without using laboratory results.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia