Analizy derywatograficzne kolemanitu jako przykład analizowania substancji pylącej w czasie ogrzewania


  • Kazimierz Bednarczyk
  • Karol Kowol


DERIVATOGRAPH ANALYSES OF COLEMANITE AS AN EXAMPLE OF A SUBSTANCE DUSTING DURING HEATING Summary Derivatograph analyses of some hydrated minerals that liberate crystallization water within a small temperature range (above the water boiling temperature) yield much difficulties related to their technical process. The present author has taken for his experiments colemanite - a hydrated calcium borate (2 Ca.3B O3.5H2O), which loses its cyrstallization water at a temperature of 375°C. During his experiment the author put into a crucible a dolomite sample as the upper layer, and a colemanite sample as the lower layer. Such a solution proved to be highly effective and the derivatograph obtained could have been properly interpreted from the quantitative point of view.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia