Polowa metoda pomiarów pionowej zmienności współczynnika filtracji gruntów "k" sposobem krótkotrwałych sczerpywań


  • Józef Sapuła


FIELD METHOD OF MEASURING VERTICAL VARIATION OF SOIL PERMEABILITY COEFFICIENT "K" BY MEANS OF QUICK BAILINGS Summary The article deals with the field method of measurements of vertical variation of permeability coefficient down to a depth of 15 m, on the basis of D. Kirkham's formula. The measurements have been made by means of bailing in small-diameter piezometers driven into the soil using vibrating hammer. The rate of inflow has been measured by means of a device constructed by the present author and by the other members of the team. The article presents and discusses the results of the works as compared with the results obtained during test pumping, and it gives methodical instructions as to the way of measurement and calculation. In addition to this the accuracy of the measurements is emphasized and economical aspects are given to accentuate the necessity of introducing the method considered.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia