Obszar Gór Świętokrzyskich w alpejskim cyklu diastroficznym


  • Jerzy Głazek
  • Jan Kutek


THE AREA OF THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MOUNTAINS IN ALPINE DIASTROPHIC CYCLE Summary The Palaeozoic core of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains is surrounded with the Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits (Fig. 1). A lack of Mesozoic formations within the area of the Palaeozoic core is due to the post-cretaceous erosion, since the Świętokrzyskie Mountains run just at the axis of the pericratonic trough filled in with the Mesozoic deposits, some kilometres in thickness. Thus the thicknesses of the individual stratigraphic members increase, going from the north-east and south-west to the Świękrzyskie Mountains (Fig. 2). The post-Cretaceous vertical movements of the Earth's crust were of complicated nature. At first, at the post-Maestrichtian time, the Middle-Polish rampart arose along the pericratonic trough, and then, parallel to the Carpathian geosyncline, an element uplifted, called by the authors the Meta-Carpathian Arch. Subsequently, this arch plunged under the Carpathian overthrust and the Carpathian foredeep. The Świętokrzyskie Mountains are a fragment of the northern slope, which was not lowered at the Neogene time, of a large dome formed in the Palaeogene at the crossing of the Middle-Polish swell and of the Meta-Carpatian zone. The Middle-Polish rampart was formed at the axis of a subsidence in the pericratonic trough which lasted through the whole Mesozoic time. The Meta-Carpathian Arch. Was in turn many times uplifted in the Alpine diastrophic cycle, and in consequence of this it is characterized by smaller thicknesses of Mesozoic deposits than the Middle-European syneclise situated more to the north.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia