Badania refrakcyjne na wysadzie solnym Wapna
REFRACTION MEASUREMENTS IN THE AREA OF THE WAPNO SALT DOME Summary The article presents the results of refraction surveys made within the Wapno anticline in 1954 to ascertain possibilities of discovering a widening of the existing dame north-westwards. One profile distinctly demonstrates the outline of the dome to a depth of about 1000 m. Within the dome a differentiation in elastic properties has been observed, most probably related to tectonics and lithological variations. The profile does not show any continuation of the dome north-westwards. Dislocations found on both profiles, appearing immediately below the Tertiary beds, are probably responsible for the determination of the outline of the dome at the site of their occurrence, by means of torsion balance. Refraction survey at greater depths seem to be purposeless mainly due to a slight differentiation in elastic properties of salt masses and of the adjacent strata. The author proposes to make a deep bore hole down to 2-2,5 th. m. which would definitively solve the problem of the possible continuation of the dome.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia