Możliwości szkodliwych zmian warunków hydrogeologicznych przy pracach sejsmicznych
POSSIBILITIES OF DESTRUCTIVE CHANGES IN HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS DUE TO SEISMIC WORKS Summary Seismic works may cause destructive changes in the existing hydrogeological conditions, and in consequence of this - alterations in water intakes, inundation or drying of soils. It has been ascertained that these changes are related to a given natural environment, mainly to a shallow occurrence of carbonate rocks, and to a diversified morphology of the terrain. Fig. 1 presents geological and geomorphological structural elements subject to changes in water environment due to seismic works, and Fig. 2 shows the degree of these changes in the individual areas. To the most susceptible terrains to geological damages related to ground waters belong uplands and mountains.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia