Ocena zróżnicowania zawartości uranu w próbkach aluwialnych z obszaru występowania różnych kompleksów skalnych


  • Hubert Sylwestrzak


ESTIMATION OF URANIUM CONTENT IN ALLUVIAL SAMPLES FROM THE OCCURRENCE AREA OF VARIOUS ROCK COMPLEXES Summary A geochemical survey made within the occurrence area of two rock complexes revealed a considerable difference in uranium content in samples. According to Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of conformability it has been demonstrated that in streams flowing within the occurrence area of the same complex the distributions of uranium content do not differ, whereas the uranium content in alluvial deposits within occurrence area of various complexes reveal considerable differences. Thus, a conclusion has been drawn that during geochemical prospections made within an area characterized by different geological structure, examinations of uniformity in uranium distribution in samples taken within an occurrence area of various rock complexes should be made still before the proper interpretation of a geochemical survey. If we observe a difference in the distribution of uranium content further interpretation should be carried on for each portion of the area separately.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia