Problemy stratygrafii trzeciorzędu w świetle badań palinologicznych


  • Maria Ziembińska-Tworzydło


STRATIGRAPHICAL AND TERTIARY PROBLEMS IN THE LIGHT OF PALYNOLOGICAL RESEARCH Summary The article gives new method of using pollen grains and spores to determine stratigraphy of the Upper Tertiary brackish and continental deposits, worked out in Berlin by W. Krutzsch. The method under consideration has been stimulated by the results of macrofloristic study, obtained by D. H. Mai, which prove a cyclic changes of climate art the Younger Tertiary time. On this basis and on his own observations showing that rare forms of pollen grains of entomophilous plants, found during the analyses, are important climatic indices, W. Krutzsch emphasized a necessity of making qualitative analysis and of determining the highest possible amount of microfossils. He also proposed a graphical presentation of groups of pollen forma that appear under similar climatic conditions. This new qualitative-quantitative method will no doubt help in making correlations of the individual microfloristic horizons in the Middle Europe area, and in determining their position in the stratigraphical table.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia