Związki porfirynowe niklu i wanadu jako wskaźnik warunków środowiskowych przy powstawaniu i zachowaniu bituminów i rop w skale


  • Jadwiga Martyna Nowak


PORPHYRINS OF NICKEI AND VANADIUM AS AN INDICATOR OF ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS DURING FORMATION AND PRESERVATION OF BITUMENS AND CRUDE OILS IN ROCKS Summary The paper deals with the research on the geochemical interpretation of the porphyrins found to occur in the disseminated bituminous substance of rocks. On the basis of ample research material some correlations have been analysed, and a confrontation has been made between the occurrence of porphyrins and the organic carbon content in rocks, the metamorphism degree of bituminous substance, the oxidation-reduction character of rock environment, and the lithological development of deposits. The general interrelations investigated revealed a function of the parphyrins in the evaluation of petroleum content in rocks. It has also been ascertained that any interpretation of the differentiation in porphyrins observed to appear in the profiles is to be made always in a confrontation with other geochemical examinations. The research has demonstrated that porphyrins are one of very sensitive indicators for the determination of the environmental conditions, syngenetical and epigenetical nature of bituminous substance, and mother character of rocks. The study of variations in occurrence of porphyrins is also very important in determination of the general directions of bitumen migration, and in definition of genetical relations between the bitumens of different stratigraphical horizons of the area studied. On the basis of a drilling made within the Podlasie depression an analysis has been made of the variation in the occurrence of porphyrins. Moreover, an interpretation is presented of the results obtained, in terms of origin and migration of bitumens.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia