Związek między zawodnieniem wyrobisk górniczych a cechami litologicznymi i strukturalnymi górotworu


  • Tatiana Bocheńska
  • Lucjan Leśniak
  • Jan Tomaszewski


RELATIONS BETWEEN WATER CONTENT IN MINE WORKINGS AND LITHOLOGICAL AND STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF A ROCK MASSIF Summary By analysing one of the mines situated within the Fore-Sudetic monocline, the influence is discussed of the geological structure of a deposit, particularly, however, the influence of the lithological and structural features of a rock massif, upon water content in mine workings. Characteristic types of mine working inundations are presented. Moreover, an analysis of changes, in water content in a mine is made from the point of view of geological structure, according to the progress of mining works. The analysis of structural and lithological phenomena observed to appear in a rock massif allows us to obtain important :information necessary for estimation of water inflows and of water flow damages.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia