Kilka uwag o występowaniu i genezie Szczaw Kotliny Kłodzkiej


  • Józef Fistek


SOME REMARKS ON OCCURRENCE AND GENESIS OF ACIDULOUS SPRINGS IN THE KŁODZKO BASIN Summary Based on his own investigations the present author describes acidulous springs in the Kłodzko Basin, in the light of geological conditions. He points to a close relation of the occurrence of these springs with tectonic dislocations, and illustrates this opinion on the atched tectonic sketch of the north-western part of the Nysa Kłodzka graben and the Bystrzyckie Góry. Moreover, he presents the general hydrogeological and physico-chemical nature of the acidulous springs, and gives a short history of the research of mineral waters in the area of study, and some opinions on their genesis.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia