Analiza wyników profilowania prędkości w otworach synklinorium pomorskiego


  • Jerzy Żaruk


ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF EXAMINATION OF VELOCITIES IN BORE HOLES WITHIN THE POMERANIAN SYNCLINORIUM Summary The article presents an analysis of vertical times measured in 27 bore holes situated in the Pomeranian synclinorium area, and in 2 bore holes made within its periphery. A comparison has been made of vertical times on diagrams, from the earth surface to the top of the Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian. Curves in time-depth system have been approximated using functions by selecting adequate formulae of T-a.Zb type. Consequently also a reduction at the data has been made down to the bottom of the Tertiary deposits, and new dependencies have been obtained. As a result of the analysis, relations between the velocity and depth in the individual geological stages have been received in the form of a time-depth diagram for the entire area of the Pomeranian synclinorium. During the interpretation of seismical data this enables us to apply velocities more approximate to the actual ones. The diagram here obtained should be highly useful, particularly in plotting depth structural maps.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia