Zastosowanie metod geofizycznych przy poszukiwaniu stałych złóż surowców mineralnych w Polsce


  • Henryk Kurbiel
  • Stanisław Wybraniec


APPLICATION OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS IN SEARCH FOR SOLID MINERAL DEPOSITS Summary Geophysical works related to prospection and reconnaissance of solid mineral deposits, conducted in the last 20 years mainly by the Geological Institute in the area of Poland, are discussed. Research made in the Sudetic area, in the Świętokrzyskie Mts., in the Upper Silesia, in the north-eastern area of the country, and in the Polish Lowland area are discussed more in detail. The research was conducted mainly by geoelectrical, magnetic, and gravimetric methods. Development stages in application of these methods are presented. The present state of the study is emphasized and conclusions concerning the further development of the investigations of the deposits at greater depths are formulated. The increasing importance of geophysical methods in these prospections is emphasized as well.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia