Czwartorzęd i jego podłoże w nowych wierceniach między Szczytnem a Orzyszem


  • Władysław Słowański


QUATERNARY AN ITS BASEMENT IN NEW BORE HOLES BETWEEN SZCZYTNO AND ORZYSZ Summary The sub-Quaternary surface, hipsometrically very diversified, is in the area between Szczytno and Orzysz built up of the Tertiary deposits (Miocene, Middle and Lower Oligocene, and probably Palaeocene deposits), and Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) deposits. The oldest deposits occur in the individual depressions at the surface (156,6 m below sea level in the bore hole Góra), whereas the youngest ones are found in the elevated areas. An almost complete section of the Quaternary formations points to the erosional character of the relief of the surface considered, most probably created during the Eopleistocene, and rebuilt mainly at the Mesopleistocene times. The Quaternary is represented by six main horizons of boulder clay, related to the Oldest (Günz) Glaciation, South-Polish Glaciation, Middle-Polish Glaciation and North-Polish Glaciation. These are separated with thick series of fluvioglacial deposits, ice-dammed lake deposits, as well as fluviatile and lacustrine deposits that represent bath the Kromer and the Mazovian Interglacials, and respective interstadials. The area under discussion does not reveal any deposits of Eemian Interglacial. The maximum thickness of the Quaternary deposits found to occur in the area considered amounts to 283,5 m (bore hole Góra).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia