Kilka uwag o stanie geologicznego rozpoznania i o wykorzystaniu świętokrzyskich surowców mineralnych


  • Jam Kostecki


SOME REMARKS ON GEOLOGICAI RECONNAISSANCE AND USE OF THE MINERAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS. AREA Summary Variety of occurrence forms of mineral raw materials found to occur in the KieIce voivodship forces to make a complex cataloguing of the sites of their exploitation to sum up the real amounts of reserves. Attention should be paid not only to the large reserves of the mineral deposits used in mass production of building materials, but also to the mineral raw materials necessary in production of folk ceramics and none fancy articles. The author suggests also to use on a larger scale the mineral raw materials which accompany the main minerals; to organize an exploitation having in view various consumers; and to expose technical monuments in the Kielce region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia