Postęp techniczny w geofizyce stosowanej dla potrzeb geologii inżynierskiej, hydrogeologii oraz surowców stałych w Polsce


  • Andrzej Pepel


TECHNICAL PROGRESS IN APPLYING GEOPHYSICS FOR ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY AND SOLID MINERAL RAW MATERIALS Summary The article presents more important achievements in application of geophysics in engineering-geology problems, building, hydrogeology, as well as in prospections and documentations of solid mineral raw materials in Poland. There are presented also the application of microgravimetry and micromagnetics in location of heterogeneity in shallow-buried compact formations, and the application of various types of geoelectrical surveys in solving hydrogeological problems and in ore prospecting, as well as the application of engineering-geological seismics to solve the problems of building substratum. Emphasizing the problems concerning equipment, methods and new geological questions, the author points to the ways of the most effective solution of the scientific and research works. The results of reconnaissance of the real state of geophysical surveys allowed the author to print the most important tasks to be solved according to new technical progress.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia