Sposób dokonania wstępnej oceny wodonośności łupków ordowiku i syluru w Pasmie Głównym Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Adam Jerschina


A METHOD OF CARRYING OUT PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF WATER-BEARING CAPACITY OF ORDOVICIAN AND SILURIAN SLATES FROM THE MAIN RANGE OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS Summary This article presents a simple method for determining the basic hydrogeological parameters (k, q) for waterbearing rocks occurring at shallow depths. The possibility of carrying out studies in wells by two methods is demonstrated - by observing the rate of water-table increase when water ceases to be drawn, or by recording the rate at which water sinks after the well has been filled (comparative method). The criteria for selecting wells for study are given. A formula is introduced far calculating well output on the basis of results of the given method of field study. A method for simplifying the calculation of the value of k by means of the Farchheimer-Rosłoński method is presented. Means for determining the rate of permeability of water-bearing bed by filling the well is briefly described.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia