Ważniejsze problemy budowy geologicznej niecki szczecińskiej w świetle wyników prac geologiczno-geofizycznych


  • Tadeusz Bryl
  • Tomasz Horn


MAJOR PROBLEMS OF THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURES OF THE SZCZECIN BASIN IN THE LIGHT OF NEW RESULTS OF GEOLOGICAL-GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES Summary As a result of geological and geophysical studies carried out between 1966 and 1971 it has been possible to determine more precisely the area and structure of the Szczecin basin. The basin is bounded by deep fracture zones, on the base of which flexure zones are developed. These boundaries do not coincide with those hitherto drawn along the limits of outcrops of Lower and Upper Cretaceous rocks under the base of the Tertiary. These studies indicate that the primary elements in the geological structure of this region are structural series, three of which are distinguished, and the various parts of which can be traced thus indicating various differences among one another (Fig. 1). The origin of these series is related to epeirogenic movements and deep fracture zones, which conditioned their information during various geological periods, from the Muschelkalk to the Lower Cretaceous. Series I is characterized by salt banks and diapirs, occasionally penetrating overlying rocks; series II is characterized by salt pillows and banks, which do not penetrate overlying series with the exception of the Goleniów and Żarnowo structures; series III is characterized by salt lenses and pillows. The amplitude of particular structures and their tectonic involvement is determined by the depth of pre-Zechstein substratum. Additional tectonic complexity has led to local differentiation in thickness of particular sedimentary series, involving both the reduction and increase of thickness. A general increase in thickness of Zechstein-Mesozoic deposits proceeds from the boundary between the Szczecin basin and Fore-Sudetic monocline toward the northeast.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia