Deformacje nieciągłe karbonu górnego strefy osiowej niecki Rudy (Górny Śląsk)


  • Janusz Skoczylas


DISCONTINUOUS DEFORMATIONS OF UPPER CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS FROM AXIAL PART OF RUDA BASIN, UPPER SILESIA Summary Aalialysis of the author's own observations and field data, as well as mining plans and maps, shows densely-spaced dislocations cutting axial zone of the Ruda basin. Tectonic directions in this zone appear to differ from those prevailing in the remaining part of the Upper-Silesian Coal Basin. Relationship between faults and joints is found. Differences in orientation of cleavage in coals and slates from Poręba and Seddle beds and in corresponding rocks form Ruda beds are interpreted in terms of differences in competence of these beds and differentiated influence of tectonic movements of the Erzgebirge phase. An attempted reconstruction of the genesis of its flat form as well as of the gentle, southward inclination of its axial zone are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia