Perspektywy odkrycia cechsztyńskich raf wapiennych w Polsce


  • Tadeusz Krynicki


POSSIBILITIES OF OCCURRENCE OF ZECHSTEIN FOSSIL REEFS IN POLAND Summary The nature of the record of seismic time profiles obtained in the boundary zone between the Marginal Synclinorium and East-European Platform is analysed. The analysis makes it possible to distinguish places of change in seismic record. Generally, in these places the image of deep-seated seismic reflectors becomes less clear or, occasionally completely obscure. These changes in quality of seismic record are interpreted as a result of those which took place in penetrated medium, and, most probably, as a result of the changes in Iithology of Zechstein strata. Moreover, it has been found that amplitudes of small elevations marked on time profiles - in the places of change of the character of the record – decrease along with depth. This seems to indicate the possibility of occurrence of fossil reefs in Zechstein deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia