Zasady racjonalnej gospodarki wodami podziemnymi na terenie Warszawy


  • Zenona Boberowa
  • Sławomir Łodziński
  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski


PRINCIPLES OF OPTIMAL EXPLOITATION OF GROUNDWATER OVER THE AREA OF WARSAW Summary The present paper is aimed at initiating a discussion on proper utilization of groundwaters in Warsaw. The authors consider the present way of utilizing these waters as inappropriate. This is particularly the case of Oligocene water-bearing horizon. Waters of this horizon are the best of all waters available over the city area but their table steadily decreases. Thus protection of these waters is necessary and their exploitation for industrial purposes must be reduced and ultimately stopped. Food industry should have priority in their exploitation. Exploitation of waters from Miocene water-bearing horizon, despite their intense colouring, may be increased. An increase of consumption of these waters is possible, when requirements in regard to their quality are not especially high. Water from the Quaternary water-bearing horizon call for further studies. These waters are exposed to pollution from the ground surface, so their sanitary protection is of primary importance.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia