Wstępne wyniki badań mikrofaunistycznych starszego trzeciorzędu rejonu Zatoki Puckiej


  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF MICROFAUNAL STUDIES OF THE LATE TERTIARY OF THE PUCK EMBAYMENT AREA Summary Preliminary micropaleontological study of early Tertiary strata from the Puck embayment area, given herein, is based on the analysis of core materials form the boreholes Kopalino IG-1, Czarny Mlyn IG-2, Karwia IG-1, Swarzewo IG-4, Mieroszyno IG-1, Chłapowo IG-2, Jastrzębia Gra IG-1, and Opalino IG-1. Majority of foraminifer species identified indicate the Upper Eocene age to the deposits sampled. The deposits are divided into 18 lithological varieties, differing in character of microfaunal assemblages. Quantitative impoverishment of microfauna appears to be related to decrease in amount, or to complete lack of carbonates in the deposits. Occasionally, although a decrease in the number of microfaunal elements does not take place, poor liminess of the deposit is reflected by the occurrence of diatoms and radiolarians. Benthonic forms usually predominate. Plankton is represented by innumerous forms of the species Globonomalina micra (Cole), and by singular damaged forms of Globigerina sp. The percentage of species with carbonaceous tests is commonly higher that the species with agglutinted tests. Comparisons with microfaunal assemblages of early Tertiary strata of the neighbouring countries show that the assemblage under discussion is most similar to that from the Upper Eocene of the U.S.S.R.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia