Geologiczne warunki występowania gazu ziemnego pod Karpatami na S od Bochni


  • Eugeniusz Jawor
  • Wanda Jawor
  • Józef Kruczek


GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF NATURAL GAS OCCURRING SOUTH OF BOCHNIA, THE CARPATHIANS Summary The paper concerns the discovery of new, industrial-scale accumulation of natural gas in the western Carpathians, in tectonic-ore conditions not previously found in Poland. The newly found natural-gas-condensate accumulation occurs in the Bochnia profile, about 12 km to S of northern margin of the Carpathians (Fig. 1). The accumulation is related to Mesozoic deposits overlayed by Miocene sedimentary cover and overthrust Flysch series. The geological structure of which the natural-gas accumulation is related may be classified as of the block type. The whole structure embraces three tectonic blocks, translocated in relation to one another along a distance a few tens to over 100 m. Geometry of the gas field was reconstructed on the basis of seismic data and their geological interpretation. This accumulation of natural gas is related to Cenomanian sandstones and Malm dolomites.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia