O pochodzeniu skał ultrazasadowych


  • Wiesław Heflik


ON ORIGIN OF ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS Summary During the last few years, petrologists and geophysicists have become particularly interested in the origin of ultramafic rocks. Papers by K. Smulikowski, and particularly these on the origin of eclogites, and by Soviet petrologists, have significantly contributed to knowledge of the problem. The present author became more closely acquinted with this problem during his travels through Czechoslovakia (vicinities of České Budéjovice), USSR (Armenia) and German Democratic Republic (Erzgebirge), where he had the possibility of directly observing and studying numerous intrusions of ultramafic rocks and to discuss their origin with petrologists from these countries. Because most Polish geologists are not fully acquinted with these problems, this article might serve partly to fill an existing lack.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia