Geologiczne warunki występowania węglowodorów w osadach kambru we wschodniej części syneklizy perybałtyckiej


  • Florian Stolarczyk
  • Stanisław Tyski


GEOLOGICAL SETTING OF HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION IN CAMBRIAN DEPOSITS IN THE EASTERN PART OF THE PERIBALTIC SYNECLIZE Summary The development of sedimentation of Cambrian deposits in the Peribaltic Syneclize was conditioned by the configuration and relief of crystalline substratum and by vertical translocation of substratum blocks along tectonic dislocation zones active during the Cambrian. The differentiation of dislocation zones differently oriented, and particularly of those approximately meridionally or longitudinally oriented, is of great importance for the development and effectivity of further research-prospecting work in this area. Moreover, it is necessary to trace and explain sedimentary processes related to tectonics, as well as secondary processes, which conditioned the capacity properties of Cambrian sandstones occurring here. Recognition and study of local, block, Lower Paleozoic structures, which are variously complicated by dislocations, appear difficult. This is particularly the case in the western, deeper part of the basin, towards which Cambrian rocks plunge at a greater depth and isolating Silurian clay complex and salty Zechstein series markedly increase in thickness; hare, however, the amplitudes of translocations of particular blocks are generally small. The block character of disturbances facilitated the formation of ore enclosures of various types: tectonically shielded by fault planes, anticlinal enclosures, as well as those related to stratigraphical-lithological wedging out. It is also possible that some enclosures are related to local, post-sedimentary changes in capacity properties of Cambrian sandstones. Studies to date show that, over the Polish part of Peribaltic Syneclize, hydrocarbon accumulations are most likely to be found in the northern, seaside part of the Gdańsk depression, on the Łeba elevation, and also over the southern part of the Baltic Sea.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia