Wykorzystanie wskazań trójskładowego magnetometru do wyznaczania azymutu skrzywienia otworów wiertniczych
APPLICATION OF TRICOORDINATE MAGNETOMETER READINGS TO DETERMINATIONS OF BOREHOLE CURVATURE AZIMUTHS Summary Azimuth of borehole curvature may be determined by the use of tricoordinate borehole magnetometer. Determination of the curvature is fairly in case of non- or low- magnetic media, becoming more complicated and less accurate in case of higher-magnetic media. The method under discussion cannot be applied for determine curvature azimuths of boreholes passing through a medium of a very high intensity of the field created by relict magnetization, close to that of the horizontal component of normal Earth's magnetic field. Determination of the curvature is possible when the well in this medium also passes through spoil rocks of remarkable thickness and low magnetization. The method is illustrated on the example of a determination of borehole curvature azimuth; the borehole was drilled through deposits characterized by quite high inductive and relict magnetization.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia