Wpływ eksploatacji otworowej na zmiany chemizmu wód w rejonie złoża siarki
THE INFLUENCE OF HOT-WATER MINING ON THE CHANGES IN WATER CHEMISTRY OVER SULPHUR ORE AREA Summary Effects of hot-water mining on chemistry of waters in ore are manifested by a number of phenomena observed as a resultant of singular physical-mechanical and, occasionally, biochemical processes. The mechanism of these effects is not fully known, and previous descriptions of the above processes were limited to records of changes in chemistry in space and time. Characteristic features of the changes are high variability in mineralization, accompanied by poor growth of hydrogen sulphide content nearby the exploited zone. The paper sums up many-years observations of changes in chemistry over the area of Grzybów mine, and comparative data from a number of other mines. The whole of the changes found and the effect of exploitation on chemistry of waters of Tertiary and Quaternary groundwater horizons are fully discussed in a complex way. The most characteristic changes were found in hydrogen sulphide and sulphate contents and in total mineralization. The remaining chemical components and physical parameters of the waters appear to be less variable. The final part of the paper discusses the elements effecting environmental pollution, in the sozological sense, related to hot-water mining. The elements effecting the pollution are classified into solid, liquid and gaseous ones, and briefly discussed. Evaluation of the effect exterted by various elements on environmental pollution should enable the construction of a closed model of hot-water sulphur mine without any negative effect on the neighbouring areas.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia