Przykłady wpływu warunków geologiczno-górniczych na przebieg eksploatacji otworowej siarki
SOME EXAMPLES OF THE EFFECT OF GEOLOGICAL-MINING CONDITIONS ON THE COURSE OF THE HOTWATER SULPHUR MINING Summary Analysis of the course of hot-water mining of a section of native-sulphur deposit was performed in order to determine main factors influencing the amount of overheated-water consumption per ton of sulphur, and degree of the deposit exploitation. The analysis has shown that there is a close interrelation between water consumption, average sulphur content in the ore and thickness of its water-bearing cap. In turn, the degree of ore utilization appeared to be dependent on the distance between exploitation holes. Therefore, it appears that the estimation of the ore budget should take into account thickness of water-bearing ore cap. The distance between holes in exploitation network should calculated for local conditions in order to minimalize losses resulting from liquid sulphur flow angle in rock massif and from direction of overheated water flow due to thermal convection. Additional analysis has shown positive effect of clay intercalations occurring in the middle part of the vertical profile of water-bearing ore series and contributing 2 to 10 per cent to its thickness, exterted on water consumption and degree of sulphur exploitationDownloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia