Zagadnienia optymalizacji eksploatacji siarki metodą otworową na podstawie danych geologicznych i modelowych
THE PROBLEMS OF OPTIMALIZATION OF SULPHUR EXPLOITATION BY THE METHOD OF HOT-WATER MINING, IN THE LIGHT OF GEOLOGICAL AND MODEL DATA Summary Sulphur deposits exploited by hot-water mining are formed by sulphur-bearing limestones occurring within the so-called ore series. Figure 1 illustrates several modes of development of this series which have distinguished. It was noted that the average output from holes (P) in various parts of the ore is proportional to the yield of the ore (z), whereas the degree of yield utilization is inversely proportional to the yield (Figs. 5 and 6). For complete exploitation of the ore, distances between exploitational holes should be differentiated in relation to the ore yield. This distance can be calculated using the formulas 2 and 3 (in the formulae, q means water supply in c. m. per hour, τ time of exploitation of a hole in months, W - thickness of the ore, k.- coefficient). Consumption of water (per tons of sulphur) depends on development of ore series and is high where the contribution of spoil limestones in the ore is high, and low where the limestones do not occur. The ore was subdivided into regions differing in geological yield and in the type of ore series profile; according to the above mentioned interrelationship between production effects and geological conditions, adequate methods of exploitation should be selected for particular regions (Fig. 9). The model studies (Fig. 10) have shown that in the course of exploitation water supply to the holes should be kept as high and as uniform as possible. This should result in better utilization of the ore, lower water consumption per ton of sulphur and more stable working conditions for filters. For adequate ore utilization it is also necessary to carry out exploitation by rows of holes. Distances between rows should be greater than those between the holes in a given row; they are determined by the formula (4). Inclusion of a succesive row to exploitation should take place when its background is heated by the holes of the previous row to the temperature close to that of sulphur melting.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia