Mikroskopowa metoda oznaczania ciężaru właściwego małych próbek minerałów


  • Henryk Kucha
  • Wiltold Salamon


MICROSCOPE METHOD OF DETERMINING SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF MATERIALS IN SMALL AMOUNTS Summary On the basis of a work made by the Soviet scientist M. M. Vasiljevskij entitled "Priobor dla uskoriennogo apriedielenija udielnogo viesa tviordich tiel na mikrolitshestvakh" a method of microscope determination of-specific weight of solid bodies has been worked out. There are some methods of determining the specific weight of minerals. Each method discloses, however, a negative feature here, i.e. either it requires large samples, or it reveals a considerable measurement error. The method discussed in the article allows the specific weight of small samples of solid bodies to be determined with utmost accuracy, and relatively quick, provided that the material examined distinguishes itself by a high degree of purity. The specific weight of small samples consists in the measurement of the volume of the liquid squeezed out by the immersed fragments of the body examined. The measurement is made in a glass pipe of small diameter by means of a microscope equipped with the micrometric eyepiece.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia