Przyczynki do znajomości czwartorzędu w widłach Wisły i Nidy


  • Tadeusz Osmólski


CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF QUATERNARY WITHIN THE BIFURCATION AREA OF THE VISTULA AND NIDA RIVERS Summary The elevation of the Miocene structure Wawrowice-Karsy, along which the river Nida flows, is covered with a compact mantle of the Quaternary formations, up to 40 m in thickness. The Quaternary formations make here a swell of a WE direction (similar to that of the structure), slightly dipping to S, and strongly to N (Nida river escarpment). The Quaternary section presented by bore holes Czarkowy 4s and 5s are representative of the entire region. Loesses that crop out in numerous gorges, described for the first time by J. B. Pusch (1833) and R. Krajewski (1935), are typical formations of the Quaternary in this region. Two horizons of boulder clay have been ascertained to occur in the area studied the lower horizon - 9 m in thickness, and the upper horizon - 1 m in thickness, divided by an 11 m thick loess bed. If we accept, after M. Klimaszewski (1952) and E. Rühle (1957), the existence of one glaciation only, i.e. Cracow Glaciation, then the occurrence of the upper boulder clay would prove an oscillation of the continental ice front. On the other hand, if we assume that the upper boulder clay was formed during the Cracow Glaciation - this would be a proof of the existence of an older glaciation here. The author points to the occurrence of bones of fossil mammalia in the loesses, already mentioned by S. Staszic (1815) and J. B. Pusch (1833), and emphasizes the encountered traces of old mine workings.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia