Nowe dane geologiczne z rejonu Białobrzegów nad Pilicą


  • Aleksandra Krassowska


NEW GEOLOGICAL DATA FROM THE REGION OF BIAŁOBRZEGI ON PILICA RIVER Summary Geological research carried on in the last five years in the south-eastern part of Poland yield much information as to the areas so far unexplored. Bore hole Białobrzegi IG-1 made on the river Pilica is highlv interesting here. This bore hole is situated within the north-western part of the Palaeozoic Radom-Kraśnik elevation on a distinct anticlinal structure, close by a large fault zone that runs along a line situated east of Iłża, Przytyk, Wyśmierzyce, on its eastern side, within the wedging-out strata of Mesozoic age. The bore hole here considered does not reveal any occurrence of the Upper Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. Immediately under the Triassic formations there appear thin carbonate deposits of Middle Devonian age, covering the Lower Devonian formations in an Old Red facies. Thus this is an elevated Devonian area closely related to the regions of Pionki and Ciepielów. The Mesozoic formations pierced by the bore hole under examination are characterized by an increase in thickness of the deposits of the individual stages, as compared with the zone situated east of this area, as well as by a wedging-out of the Lower Jurassic formations, and some stages of Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from the west. Triassic is characterized by a distinct increase in thickness of the Roethian deposits, and by the appearance of the Lower Keuper deposits. The deposits of Lower Jurassic age have for the first time been encountered in an area situated east of the large fault zone. In the Middle Jurassic the deposits of Upper Kujavian age wedge out. The Upper Jurassic does not show any distinct differences here. The Lower Cretaceous distinguishes itself by a considerable thickness; the Upper Valanginian appears; and the Hauterivian sediments develop. The Upper Cretaceous ends with the Lower Maestrichtian, revealing a development of carbonate-siliceous facies. The character of the Mesozoic deposits is closely related to the zone of the Lublin Region, and demonstrates some resemblance of both the Jurassic and the Triassic formations to the deposits of these periods from the northern margin of the Swiętokrzyskie Mountains.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia